Guidance and help for watching live stream
What is the best device to watch on?
1. An IPad, IPhone, Tablet
2. A PC will work, however the browser settings and proxys if not correct can cause issues loading the stream.
(Suggestion: Turn off the ‘auto-lock’ function on your device so it does not turn off during the service.
On an iphone settings>display&brightness>Auto-Lock>Never)
What time will the video stream start?
– Ideally 10 minutes before the ceremony starts, but I cannot start the video stream until I am in the chapel, and I cannot go in the chapel until the previous service as finished.
– If it is running late therefore, the stream may not start until after the official start time. (I am sorry, I have no way of keeping you updated)
How do I start the video?
The steps are simple,
1. Click the link to the browser.
2. Enter the password
3. Click Watch Video
Refresh (F5) Refresh (F5) why is this important?
– The internet sends you blocks information, it is not a continual stream of data until the video begins to play.
– Even if the screen says 5 mins before it is due to start, you need to press refresh symbol or F5 to reload the page until the video stream starts.
– Wait for about 25 seconds every time you press refresh.
I have done that, but the screen is black?
– If that doesn’t work try this link….
– If that does not work try another browser.
Does it matter where I am or how many are watching?
– No, it is streamed through Vimeo and Vimeo has no limits or boundaries, as long as you have reasonable internet connection… it will connect.
I can see the screen, but I cannot hear anything?
– Check that your device and browser is not on MUTE, try turning up the volume.
– I may have the sound off as staff prepare the chapel, move chairs, talk logistics etc.
The camera is a bit wobbly?
– At the start as people are coming in and seating, I am juggling cameras, flicking camera selection and switching from one mic to another… ‘like spinning plates’, just give me a minute or so and it’ll be steady.
The date says 1 January 2021?
– It is unlikely you will see this, but this is part of my back up plan and the date will not affect anything. (it is just in case my original channel goes wrong)
I still cannot connect see the video?
– This is highly likely to be an issue with how the device you are using connects with the internet, not the video stream, tithin 1 hour of the service finishing, you will be able to watch again on the same link.
There may be no network signal at all from any of the network providers within the location of the funeral, in which case I will not be able to stream. Over 95% of the UK is covered, but there is always a 5% chance, especially in remote areas. There is nothing I can do about this and because there is no signal I cannot even inform you that there is not a signal.
I will record in-camera and get online as quick as I can, normally within 6 hours, quicker if I can.
I cannot take your call while during the service but email me your number and I will call you back to talk you through as soon as I can. My email is
I watched the service, and all was good.
– I would really welcome your feedback so I can tell others who are thinking of having the service streamed, how others watched the service and how it made them feel, especially if you were not able to get to the funeral or live in another country.
My email is